Snow. Ice. Frost on the windshield. Mud. Boots. Gloves. Getting stuck in my own driveway. Daily. Those are the fun things I got to say goodbye to this week! My family packed up & took off for Sunny St. George! We had SO much fun. We stayed at Mom & Pa's house, but connected up with Val & Joel's families every day. Whether it was for an outing to Snow Canyon, to hit Pizza Hut, to have an Easter Egg hunt, have a BBQ (mom snuck & ate BBQ chicken when she thought no one was looking! hee hee) to go shopping, to find golf balls at the Golf course, go to the temple (tried, at least. TWICE!) or simply to hang out & veg in the hot sun. Ahhh! It was fabulous! The weather was in the high 70's each day & my whole family was simply SWEATING! We aren't used to such grand weather! We think 45 is something to celebrate...
Thanks, everyone, for the wonderful time! I really REALLY needed the thaw-out there is sunny St. G!