Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Campbell Clan

Many of you already know that I grew up in a huge family. I have 8 sisters, 3 brothers, & only 1 set of parents, which is unusual in this day & age. I guess I've been thinking a lot about my family the last few days with everything that has gone on with my brother-in-law, Mike... I know that when this hard trial hit him, his family dropped everything to rush ~hours away~ to the hospital. He had family members driving thru dangerous snow storms, through scary canyons, so that they could be at his side. Members of my family did the same to be with Tiff while she faced this. This has got me thinking about the trials I face, as well. I know when I've had things happen to me, my brothers & sisters & parents show up as fast as they can. And if they can't show up, the phone is ringing non-stop. That's what family is for, huh? I bet this has got many of you thinking about how important your own family is in your life. I'm so grateful for each one of my family members who love me & support me & are there when I need them. I'm also grateful for their wonderful spouses (my brothers & sisters in-law... who I will need to get pictures of someday!). They allow my brothers & sisters to be there when we need each other. So, meet my family! In the top picture are all of us girls, in order: Tawnja, Tracy, Jennifer, Brenda, Me, Valerie, Karmen, Debbie, & Tiffany. In the bottom picture are my parents & brothers, in order: Mom & Papa, Keith, Ben, & Joel. I'm so glad Families Can Be Together Forever!


Harris said...

Thanks for this blog! I think families are one of those things that we really take for granted sometimes...thanks for the reminder!! That is so fun that you have such a large family...families are the best!!

Karmen said...

Guppers, I had tears reading your sweet collage on our family! Thanks for always making each of us feel loved and appreciated and even pretty! Love your buns (speaking of buns...are yours okay?! Brooklyn mentioned something about your hips...I'll call later!)

val said...

Hey Gup, this is super sweet, and I am feeling a bit teary-eyed too. We miss you and hope all is going great...and thanks so much for being my photographer, so I could start my blog too! Love you dearly! Val

Korth Klan said...

I love your family. I always have! They are beautiful. My only regret with my little family is that they won't have the benefit of so many siblings like I have. It truly is a treasure. I am glad to hear that your brother-in-law is doing better. What a trial. Thanks for allowing us all to appreciate our families a little more.

Jillian said...

what a cute post! I loved looking at all the pictures. I too am so glad that families are forever!!

BreiAnna said...

Super cute!

Jeff and Holly said...

Wow, I had no idea you had that big of a family. How wonderful! I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers, I thought that was a big family! I am so glad you are all so close.

Sorry about lunch yesterday. I had every intention of going, but when it came down to it I knew I shouldn't. I feel like I shouldn't be eating out while we are unemployed. I really want to get together though!! Did you have a fun super bowl?

Levi and Marissa said...

Ha ha of course you can use it! :) Itsn't it the best!? How are you guys doing? I love your blog! You guys are the cutest family!

MikeG Family said...

Oh my heck - I love this! I wanna post something like this on my blog...can I? :) It is so true what you said...that it's amazing how much support you get from family when you go through hard times, and how blessed you feel to have so many people who love you and are there for you. I love you!

Karmen said...

Of course you can, Tiff! You don't even have to ask!

Tracy Beckett said...

Wow, Guppy, I absolutely love it! You are amazing on your blog. You definitely have a talent. Anyway, I love you--thanks for helping us all realize what a blessings our families are. Love you so!

Cordie said...

What a neat post. Don't you wish everyone had good families? We are truly blessed to feel the way we do about our families!

Karmen said...

Hey, that's weird that my name came up answering Tiffany's comment! Gup...were you logged into MY blog again when you answered her?!

Ruuddudes said...

Oops... I must've been! BUSTED!

Katrina said...

I love your family so much too. I had one of the best times of my life when I lived next door to your family all those years ago. Thanks for posting all of their pretty/handsome faces for me.

I know what a blessing a large family is too. It's the best!

By the way, who took all those pictures? Was that you? If so, you are really a talented photographer. I only wish I had your talent.

erika said...

I'am always telling Rory you guys have a wonderful family.You are so lucky to have them!I'am also glad that familes can be together I can see my mom again Can I be adopted?

Family Reunion 2008!

Bear Lake

Ruud & Proud of it!

Summer at Bear Lake

Summer at Bear Lake

About Me

My photo
Montpelier, ID, United States
I love... mascara! (The more layers, the better!)... My hunka-love named Tony... My fabulous-five! (Brooklyn, Brikenna, Bridger, Brielle, & Brig!)... Sister's Weekends... Keith Urban! (If I were a polygamsit, he'd be husband #2...:)... A fast-paced game of volleyball... Warm Vacations... Olive Garden & Macaroni Grill... Cheating at card games (Hey, it's funner that way! :))... Funny shows... Snuggling in warm clothes straight from the dryer... Fast 4-Wheeler rides in the mud... Loud music... Big malls in big cities... Taking pictures... E-mail... Carmel pretzel ice cream... Foot Massages... Hair Brushings...Teenager-Style Clothes! (I have a problem ~ I still think I'm 18...)