Saturday, December 15, 2007

Shopping Malls & Mean Drivers...

So, Brooklyn, Brikenna, & I went shopping yesterday in the "big city"... LOGAN! (Hey, it's huge to us!) This was just the "big girl's" trip... where we could try on clothes & shoes to our heart's content... with no men standing there tapping their toes & scowling at us to hurry up! No one was there to make us look at dumb boy-things like bench-press bars & 400 pound weights that can squish your foot right off if you accidentally drop them on you. (Can you tell we are still bitter from the last shopping trip that the boys came on?!?) We also got to actually sit down at Sizzler to a meal with real metal forks & glass plates instead of unwrapping anything & using a plastic "spork" for a utensil... again, bitterness is sneaking thru... but hey, a girl gets tired of meals that her men just wolf down without even tasting! So, anywhoo~ we had a nice, lazy day in Logan! The girls are growing up too fast! It used to be the toy aisle they spent all day in. This time it was the cell-phone aisle in middle of the mall! Did you know you could buy bling for your DOG'S cell phone if you wanted to? Dang, there are lots of fun stuff out there for a couple of 6th graders to beg for! We had a great day! The day would've been perfect, except for the big jerk that backed into us as we were just getting ready to go home. HIs name is Ryan Dee Busenbar from Preston Idaho, if any of you care... :) He backed into us at a red-light, then jumped out of his truck screaming & swearing that I should've got out of his way since the nose of his truck was too far out in the intersection & he was going to get hit! Hello? Do I sense mental problems?!? Good thing the witnesses & cops didn't see it as my fault... Just a stupid, mean man who needs to attend anger management classes, as well as driving school! I guess we got our fill of a "big" town for the week! That's enough shopping malls & mean drivers... hoping the roads are clear & the canyons are open so we can do it again next weekend!


MikeG Family said...

Holy cow...what a big jerk! Reminds me of years ago...Deb & I were shopping, and as we were getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, some guy in a big truck rear-ended us. It barely did any damage to our car, and none to his. He jumps out of his car and yells at US for letting the car roll "up" the hill we were on and into him. WHAT?! He was so mean, and we were so naive, that we just said "sorry" and drove away real fast. Glad you had your fun with the girls, though! I hope we do a sisters weekend again real soon. I am in need...

Doney Days said...

GUPPY!!!! How are you? I'm so glad you found me! I love your blog and your kids are beautiful! Hope you are all doing well. Please keep in touch and tell Deb-T to get a blog! Love ya!

Cordie said...

What a jerk! I am glad the cops saw it as his fault "dummy!" I was at Sizzler on saturday too! To bad we didn't see you! Good luck with your shopping trip next week!

Jeff and Holly said...

I swear 1Fers are the worst drivers!! OH, and sorry if I offended anyone!

Family Reunion 2008!

Bear Lake

Ruud & Proud of it!

Summer at Bear Lake

Summer at Bear Lake

About Me

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Montpelier, ID, United States
I love... mascara! (The more layers, the better!)... My hunka-love named Tony... My fabulous-five! (Brooklyn, Brikenna, Bridger, Brielle, & Brig!)... Sister's Weekends... Keith Urban! (If I were a polygamsit, he'd be husband #2...:)... A fast-paced game of volleyball... Warm Vacations... Olive Garden & Macaroni Grill... Cheating at card games (Hey, it's funner that way! :))... Funny shows... Snuggling in warm clothes straight from the dryer... Fast 4-Wheeler rides in the mud... Loud music... Big malls in big cities... Taking pictures... E-mail... Carmel pretzel ice cream... Foot Massages... Hair Brushings...Teenager-Style Clothes! (I have a problem ~ I still think I'm 18...)